Thursday, 7 November 2013

Transparent data - drilling down using XBRL

In my previous posts, I made a big play about the transparency of XBRL and how for example XBRL to XL leverages this. However in reality our application has never fully exploited these possibilities, until now. Yes you could view the “as presented” data used in the standard formula by switching to the relevant filing sheet to see the company's financial statements and notes as laid out in the paper version of the 10-K. But there was no direct link, no instant drill down.

Not only do I think that transparency is essential in a constructing a robust model and critical in ensuring you don't deal on the wrong number, it's also rather thrilling to be magically transported back from a headline figure to it's underlying components, displayed just as the company disclosed them.

The following screen shots don't really do it justice as you kinda need to see it in action so you may want to watch the video instead. The latest XBRL Sheet example, downloadable from here, contains the new "Standard" sheet that enables the top to bottom drill down shown here using the two included macros. The macro code can also be downloaded from there separately as a VBA module (Basically just a text file with the code in).

We have created two simple functions that enable you to rapidly move around the data to gain an understanding of the underlying values, where they came from and to verify their accuracy.

XDrillDown (assigned the short cut key ctrl y in the example sheet) drills down to the next layer of the data. So if you are in the "Model" sheet as in the example above, pressing this short cut will take you the components of the selected ratio. The result of which is shown below.

XDrillAcross (short cut key ctrl l - not 1 but the letter as in "level") drills across the same level to show you any of the other components in this layer of the ratio. So pressing the short cut will take you to the other component of "Goodwill/Total Assets" as shown by my arrow. Continually pressing XDrillAcross will cycle through the components in turn so another press will take you back in this case to Goodwill.

If you use XDrillDown on any of these components, it will take you to the next layer (shown below) and reveal where the "Standard" items found these values in the "as reported" XBRL "Filing" sheets downloaded using XBRL Sheet from Now you can see just where these values came from in the 10-K or 10-Q. And again if you use XDrillAcross, it knows where the next component is, so will take you there (as indicated again by my arrow).

This is made possible by a small change we have made to XBRL Sheet. The Standard sheet (see the example above but one with "C69" circled) now has extra columns in it that represent the links to their as reported values.

How do I get back to the different layers? Well each layer is represented by a tab, so just click on the "layer" you want to look at again and the ratio or data item you previously drilled through will still be highlighted.

Just to complete the picture, if you use XDrillDown on a formula which contains a value on the same sheet (e.g. ROCE below), it will reveal every value on the same sheet using arrows (any values on another sheet will be indicated by a dotted line to a "sheet" symbol and can be cycled using XDrillAcross in the usual way). Press XDrillDown again and the arrows will disappear.

It's worth noting these functions can be used to validate any formula with components so could be used for tick back in any spreadsheet you have created with or without XBRL.

These functions aren't doing anything particularly clever, merely packaged up to use existing functionality built into Excel. I'm not big into wheel re-invention. But hopefully they will enable you to take full advantage of the transparency built into XBRL, as implemented by us in XBRL Sheet.