Friday, 6 November 2020

Using an API Call to get an Overview of the XBRL contained in Filing

We have a very simple call that enables you to quickly see which sections of data are available as XBRL in a filing. This is particularly helpful when used in conjunction with items/sections Endpoint. That Endpoint brings back all the XBRL values disclosed in a chosen section along with all the presentational data to display it as it was reported (e.g. show me in the Income Statement for 2019. What you are looking at here when you do that is all the same XBRL used by the SEC to construct their Interactive Data pages for a filing.

Use the Endpoint sections as shown, choose a company in the Co Box and select a Date for the filing. You can also choose further along the row in the Annual? and Quarter Boxes whether you want to see the Annual Filing (e.g. 10-K or 20-F - just select "yr", otherwise "q") or choose which quarter you wish to see the filing for. By default it will bring back the annual filing.

The results, as shown above, give you a list of all the Sections by name and by Tag. Unlike (in theory!), XBRL Values, Sections returned from the SEC data are not tagged, very bizarrely, with a set of standard tags. So we have stepped in to supply our own Standard Section Tags and to make things even easier, especially when summoning a section, we've turned these into a series of short codes. You can see these displayed in the Code column when you a return list of Sections. Each Section is also numbered according to its display order (No). This is useful when summoning a more obscure Section that does not have a Code. Line_Total next to it will give you a handle on whether a Section is likely to contain any useful XBRL (Total lines of XBRL contained in a Section). You can also quickly verify that the data returned for a Section is as it should be by following the "Link" to the same page shown in SEC Interactive Data for a filing. It should be as the data source is the same - the XBRL filed at the SEC.

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